Estate Video 1

Estate Video 2

Updating Documents

Can I refer to myself as Lord or Lady?

Yes, the title pack is based on a historic English Lord of the Manor title that supports the legal right to use the honorific title Lord or Lady. Within most legal jurisdictions, should you wish to change your honorific title to Lord or Lady (Lord or Lady of the Manor) then you can change this at any time, provided you do not intend to deceive or defraud another person or purport your title to be a peerage. There is no legal procedure to follow; you simply start using your new title. However, there are some circumstances, for example, updating personal documents, when additional evidence of your title change may be requested. In such circumstances, you have the option to complete this deed statement to prove that your honorific title has changed.

Can I change my title on personal documents?

Yes, you can change your honorific title in most instances (this includes items such as stationery, tickets, reservations, membership cards, debit cards, credit cards, social media, employers, professional bodies etc). Please note, government documents which do not display any title such as all passports (and in some jurisdictions drivers licences) cannot be updated.

Do you guarantee title changes?

Many of our customers have successfully added their title to documents, however, we can offer no guarantee of this for any type of document as each institution is different and may have their own rules and regulations. The deed statement included in the title packs may be requested when making an official update. Please note you are under no obligation to complete the deed statement. Enssen (London) Ltd offers no assistance, guarantee, compensation, reimbursement, nor can make warranties or representations in respect to document changes or deed statement use.

Am I changing my title or first name?

Our title packs support the legal right to change your honorific title to Lord or Lady. This is not a change of first name.

What should I do first?

Every institution is different and we always suggest the first thing you do is to contact the relevant organisation directly and ask them what they require to make a title change. You can then proceed from there, depending on what information they have given you.

Can Lord Titles help with title changes?

Whilst we provide advice here, we do not offer direct support for any aspect of document changes. Should you wish to change your documents, this must be undertaken through your own initiative.

I am not English, is it possible to update my documents?

Other legal jurisdictions may permit document changes but this not something we guarantee or provide assistance with. You will need to contact the relevant organisation directly to see what they require and accept.

What is a deed statement?

There is a great deal of confusion about the role of deed poll. Many people incorrectly think that deed poll is an official Government office or similar where you go to register a change of name. This is not the case, as no such office exists. Deed poll is simply a legal process which enables a person to formally change his or her title or name. The deed statement provided is a short legal statement that formally communicates your desire to use the title and may be requested by some institutions. This is not something that can be disputed – the document is absolute because it’s your personal legal statement and your personal legal right. Each title pack contains a deed statement but there is no obligation to complete this.

How do I complete the deed statement?

Click the link below to open an example of a completed deed statement.

Example deed

Who should witness the deed statement?

Technically anyone can be a witness but we recommend someone who has known you for at least two years and is not a relative. Witnesses should be over 18.

Should I send my title pack forms anywhere to be officially registered?

No. We have already registered your title pack and no other registration is required. There are many companies claiming to be official Deed Poll organisations, however, Deed Poll is not a government department – that’s a common misapprehension as no such department exists. Deed Poll is a type of contract that can be used to enforce a personal name or title change. Therefore, please avoid using these companies as they do not represent any official registration authority.

Can I download a replacement deed statement?

Yes, you can. Simply click the download link below and then print the file (the file is in Adobe PDF format). Please note you are under no obligation to complete the deed statement. Enssen (London) Ltd offers no assistance, guarantee, compensation, reimbursement, nor can make warranties or representations in respect to document changes or deed statement use.

Replacement deed

Title Pack Downloads

Can I download high resolution crest, letterhead and business card templates?

Crests are in jpeg image format and document templates are in Microsoft Word format.

Crest 1

Crest 2

Letterhead Template

Business Card Template

Can I download the the Domesday Book image file for Hougun Manor?

The Hougun Manor entry is at the bottom right of the page.

Domesday Book

Visiting the dedicated land

How do I visit the land?

You can visit the estate whenever you want. The estate is a beautiful 90 acre stretch of land situated on the west shore of Coniston Water and has been classified by Natural England as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). It is roughly four miles south of the village of Coniston, near the hamlet of Sunnybank. For maps the estate, simply click the download links below (the files are in jpeg format).

Map 1

Map 2

What are the land coordinates?

Grid Reference SD 28300 92200; Eastings 328300 Northings 492200; Latitude 54.320324 Longitude -3.1038013. The nearest postcode (locates near to but not directly on the estate) is LA21 8BL.

Are there any health and safety considerations?

Some of the paths in the land are quite steep and uneven so make sure you wear sensible shoes and we recommend the walk only for those in good health. It is each visitor’s responsibility to ensure that the walk and the weather conditions are within their capabilities. We accept no liability for any accidents or injuries which may occur on the estate or due to errors made here. Visits to the land are undertaken entirely at your own risk. All walks, maps, descriptions and route data are provided in good faith, but must be regarded as approximate; we can make no guarantee as to their accuracy.

There is a drop-off point close to the estate entrance (shown on the estate maps), however, this is not suitable for parking cars. Instead, should you wish to park, please use the nearest car parking spaces (shown on the estate maps).

As is frequently the case with rural roads, the road outside the main estate entrance has no pavement.

Different rules for walkers apply when there is no pavement depending on the size of your group . Small groups should keep to the right-hand side of the road so you can see oncoming traffic. Keep close to the side of the road and be prepared to walk in single file. If you come across a sharp right-hand bend it may be safer to cross to the left-hand side of the road and cross back after the bend.

Large groups on organised walks should keep to the left when no pavement is available. There should be a look-out at the front and back of the group wearing fluorescent clothes in daylight and reflective clothes in the dark. At night, the front look-out should have a white light and the rear look-out a red light. People on the outside of large groups should also carry lights and wear reflective clothing.

Title Pack Terms and Conditions


For the purpose of these terms and conditions Enssen (London) Ltd (Company No. 09144078 registered office Swatton Barn, Badbury, Swindon, England) will be recorded hereinafter as “The Operator”. Enssen (Europe) Ltd (Company No. 09506288 registered office Swatton Barn, Badbury, Swindon, England) will be recorded hereinafter as “The Copyright Owner”. Title pack products sold by The Operator will be referred to hereinafter as “The Title Pack”. The registered owner of The Title Pack is stipulated on the certificate within The Title Pack will be referred to hereinafter as “The Title Pack Owner”. The Honorific Title “Lord of the Manor of Hougun” and “Lady of the Manor of Hougun” will be referred to hereinafter as “The Honorific Title”. The Hougun Manor Estate located at Sunnybank, Coniston Water, Cumrbia will be referred to hereinafter as “The Estate”.


The Title Pack is principally intended as a fun novelty product and should be construed as such. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Title Packs are based upon a genuine historical Lordship of Manor title and a genuine historical Lordship of Manor estate.

Honorific Title Rights

The Operator acknowledges The Title Pack Owner’s right to a single, non-exclusive, perpetual personal use of The Honorific Title (“Lord of the Manor of Hougun” or “Lady of the Manor of Hougun”). Such rights are limited to personal use, defined as non-commercial use of the rights. The Honorific Title is derived from the historical Manor of Hougun. The Honorific Title does not constitute a peerage and cannot be employed to suggest a peerage, commit fraud, mislead with intent to commit any offence, or obtain money by deception. All ownership rights, both current and future, in and to The Honorific Title remain exclusively with The Copyright Owner and may not, except with express written permission, be adopted, distributed, relicensed, sub-licensed, transferred, resold, restructured, repackaged, or commercially exploited. The Honorific Title is a registered trademark. In the event that The Honorific Title becomes the subject of a dispute, expires, or is abandoned, The Operator reserves the right to substitute The Honorific Title with an alternative honorific title.

Use of Honorific Title Rights

Within most legal jurisdictions, should The Title Pack Owner wish to adopt The Honorific Title or the abbreviated styled title of Lord or Lady, there is no legal procedure to follow. The Title Pack Owner simply starts using The Honorific Title or the abbreviated styled title of Lord or Lady. However, there are some circumstances, for example, updating personal documents or third-party data, when additional evidence of The Honorific Title may be requested. In such instances, The Title Pack Owner has the option to complete the deed poll document contained within The Title Pack. The Operator offers no guarantee, compensation, reimbursement, nor can make warranties or representations in respect to amending personal documentation or third-party data. The deed poll document is supplied as is and The Operator offers no support in this matter. The Title Pack Owner is under no obligation to complete the deed poll document and The Operator offers no guarantee, compensation, reimbursement, nor can make warranties or representations in respect to the deed poll document.

The Dedicated Land

The Estate, classified by Natural England as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), is managed by The Operator, who hereby grants The Title Pack Owner a symbolic dedication of five square feet of land within The Estate. Please note that this dedication is symbolic and does not confer any legal rights to land ownership or to any specific plot of land. The Title Pack Owner acknowledges that they do not hold ownership of the dedicated land and have no legal claim thereto, other than the symbolic dedication, which is safeguarded and maintained by The Operator in the name of The Title Pack Owner. This dedication is intended to operate in perpetuity, subject to unforeseen circumstances, such as compulsory purchase, in which event The Operator reserves the right to substitute an alternative estate or to make a proportional monetary donation to a United Kingdom registered charity supporting land conservation objectives. The Operator does not assign specific coordinates to the dedicated land. The dedicated land is not operated under charitable status, and all rights pertaining to The Estate remain exclusively with The Operator. These rights may not be adopted, distributed, relicensed, sub-licensed, transferred, resold, restructured, repackaged, or commercially exploited, except with The Operator's express written permission. The Estate is open to the public for unrestricted access and enjoyment. Visitors may access The Estate at any time, though caution is advised due to the steep and uneven nature of some paths; sensible footwear is recommended, and all visits are undertaken entirely at the visitor’s own risk. While all walks, maps, descriptions, and route data provided by The Operator are offered in good faith, they are approximate, and no guarantee as to their accuracy can be made. The Operator prohibits any ceremonies, modifications, constructions, planting (including trees, shrubs, or bulbs), leaving of markers, or disturbing of the ground on The Estate. Each area of dedicated land is dedicated uniquely and may not be used for carbon offset purposes.

The Hougun Manor Crests

The Operator grants The Title Pack Owner a single non-exclusive perpetual personal-use license for the Hougun Manor Estate Crest and Hougun Manor Title Crest. This license is for personal use only. Personal use means non-commercial use of the rights. The crests are not registered with The College of Arms or any other heraldic governing body. The crests must not be registered with the College of Arms or any other heraldic governing body, employed to purport a heraldic coat of arms or to commit fraud or mislead with intent to commit any offence, or obtain money by deception. All ownership rights now and in the future, of and for The Hougun Manor crests remain exclusively with The Copyright Owner and may not, except with our express written permission, be adopted, distributed, relicensed, sub-licensed, transferred, resold, restructured, repackaged or commercially exploited.

The Documents

The Title Pack Owner can not be transferred to any other individual or passed down through inheritance. If you wish to change any aspect of the certificate once it has been printed, which requires an edited re-print, then you will be charged for that re-print. This charge will take into account the paper and printing costs, administration costs, and the postage and packing involved. There will be no charge however if the fault is ours. In general, the fulfilment materials will be sent to one person at one address only. Wording provided for certificates should not be contentious or likely to insult or defame The Operator or any third party. The Operator has the final say over any wording deemed inappropriate and our decision is binding.


The Operator accepts no legal liability for any mistakes or inefficiencies made by The Operator staff or their contractors over any aspect of The Title Pack or any other product or service offered by The Operator, except those which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law. Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by our negligence or breach of statutory duty or any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law, we will not be liable for any loss of profit or any indirect special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims, which arise out of or in connection with The Title Pack or any other product or service offered by The Operator. The Operator reserves the right to cancel and refund customer purchases. This agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England. Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims). The Title Pack has only been examined in terms of its compliance with the laws of England, United Kingdom. Therefore, compliance with the laws of foreign jurisdictions cannot be guaranteed. Title Packs are based on the current legal regulations of England, United Kingdom. However, future changes to the law cannot be foreseen and therefore, future compliance cannot be guaranteed. If any provision of these terms conditions are held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of these terms and conditions and the remainder of the provision in question will not be affected. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time. All domains, copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights associated with The Title Product or any other product or service offered by The Operator belong to The Copyright Owner. These rights remain exclusively with The Copyright Owner and may not, except with our express written permission, be adopted, distributed, relicensed, sub-licensed, transferred, resold, restructured, repackaged or commercially exploited.